11 June 2020 /

Post-lockdown Destination weddings in Italy

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Updated Post-lockdown Destination Weddings in Italy rules

Post-Lockdown Destination Weddings in Italy - Italian Wedding Designer

Let’s celebrate weddings again!

Post-lockdown Destination weddings in Italy

During this difficult time we all had the chance to rediscover ourselves, to think about how we can live a better life and make this world a better place.
We already have some answers as we are able to do one of the best things in the world: celebrate the beauty of life, be with your loved ones, surrounded by nature, discovering the real atmosphere of a unique country, that even in such a difficult moment did not forget the importance of human beings and the importance of being human.
Now that Italy is finally out of the lockdown people are ready to start social life again, with some to do.
Italian government is asking to keep following all the precautions to keep people healthy, therefore private events and weddings will be allowed again from 13th June but with some rules to follow, that you will find listed here below:

– Provide clear and frequent informations and guidelines of the rules to be respected against Covid 19 during the event such as masks wearing, social distancing and hand washing.
 – Keep the guests list available for 14 days after the event.
Reorganize all the spaces to guarantee the access in a fixed number and in even way, avoiding gatherings of people and being able to guarantee the social distancing of at least 1 meter between each guest. If possible organize separate entrance and exit ways.
Tables must be arranged maintaining 1 meter of distance between guests, the only exception can be people that live together or sleep together in the same hotel room or apartment. This last point is related to individual responsibilities.
​​- Where practicable, give priority usage of outdoor spaces (gardens, terraces) always respecting at least 1 meter of distancing between people.
​​- Guarantee cleaning and disinfection of the indoor areas and of any equipment before each use.
Guests must wear masks in the indoor areas (when they are not seated at the table at 1 meter distance) and in the outdoor areas (if they cannot respect 1 meter of distancing). Service staff must wear masks during the whole event and wash and sanitize hands frequently.
– It is possible to organize buffet style meals but only if the waiters will serve the food, guests cannot serve themselves or touch anything on the buffet, and guests must keep distance from the buffet and must wear mask. Self service buffet can be possible only using pre packaged single dosed products, in any case it’s important to avoid gatherings of people and to guarantee social distancing of at least 1 meter between guests. Any useful measure such as written signals and barriers must be adopted to help people follow the guidelines and mainting distancing also when in line.
– Live Music exhibitions are allowed only in case it is possible to mantain 1 meter of social distancing, without any people gathering whatsoever.
Body temperature can be detected at the entrance and the access to the event/building will be forbidden in case of > 37,5 °C. temperature
– It’s necessary keep available hands sanitizing products for guests and service staff, in many areas of the event, especially at the entrance of the toilettes, that must be cleaned and sanitized multiple times during the day.
 Remove any magazine, paper informative material and any other removable object to prevent contamination and items sharing.
​​​​- Consumption at the counter is not allowed, drinks can be served ensuring social distancing of at least 1 meter between guests, with the exception of people that live together or sleep together in the same room or apartment. This last point is related to individual responsibility.
Encourage air exchange in indoor areas. Due to the presence of many people it is important to check air flows exchange, to guarantee an healthy air exchange, wether it be natural or through conditioning systems. The effectiveness of the equipment used must be previously checked to guarantee the regulations in force, all the filters must be at the higher filtering range possible and will be regularly santized or changed. In toilettes or closed rooms  air turnover must be kept on.
– If guests are attending an indoor event they must wear masks (with the exception of lunch/dinner when 1 meter distancing will be guaranteed) mask must be wore even outdoor when not able to maintain 1 meter of social distancing
​-Staff service after work shift must sanitize all the surfaces and all the equipments used.
Every item provided by the property, must be disinfected before giving to the client.
Lift usage must guaranteed still respecting the same social distancing rules and wearing masks.
– Guarantee frequent disinfection of all common areas and surfaces that are often used by clients ( lifts, doors, windows, switch buttons etc)
– Sauna and turkish bath can be used just in case of a booking with esclusive use and if air turnover, cleaning and disinfection can be guaranteed before the usage.
– ​​

Rental car companies guarantee the cleaning and disinfection of the vehicles before every new client. They must used sanitizer for all the surfaces more used as steering wheel, gear lever, display, door handles ect
All the rental items must be cleaned and disinfected after any return.
Vendors will take care of the continuous disinfection of all the most touched surfaces that may be contaminated by droplet.
– If the item cannot be cleaned or disinfected without damaging it, the clients will be informed that the usage will only be possible if wearing mask and gloves.
​​- People dancing on the dance floor must maintain a distance of 2 meters from each other
It’s compulsory to have a sufficient number of security service in charge to check social distancing between guests.
– Dancing is allowed in outdoor areas with social distances or inside wearing mask and maintaining social distance.


Finally we can daydream together again! Post-lockdown Destination Weddings in Italy are possible!
We’re ready to welcome you and you guests, to make you feel like home, and to write together your story.


Don’t hesitate to write us if you need more information: info@italianweddingdesigner.com


Italian regions decree can be read in its entirety here: http://www301.regione.toscana.it/bancadati/atti/Contenuto.xml?id=5254969&nomeFile=Ordinanza_del_Presidente_n.65_del_10-06-2020-Allegato-1

Here information about travelling in Italy: https://www.esteri.it/mae/en/ministero/normativaonline/decreto-iorestoacasa-domande-frequenti/focus-cittadini-italiani-in-rientro-dall-estero-e-cittadini-stranieri-in-italia.html

Here you find our previous article about how Covid-19 pandemic  impacted on Destination Wedding Industry: https://www.italianweddingdesigner.com/destination-wedding-during-covid-19-emergency/



Post-lockdown Destination Weddings in Italy – Featured Photo by Angelica Braccini

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