Paperwork to get married in Italy
If you are interested to get legally married in Italy, Italian Wedding Designer can offer you Paperwork assistance packages, to avoid you stressing over the most boring part of the Wedding planning.
Italy is a very bureaucratic country, and it may be difficult to navigate the system therefore an expert help is a must-have.
Paperwork to get married in Italy changes according to the following details:
Nationality, Residence, Marital status, eventual previous Divorces and Divorce decree Date, type of Ceremony, Location where the ceremony will take place. We are able to help many nationalities to officiate their wedding in Italy, including:
American, Australian, Austrian, British, Belgian, Canadian, Czech, Dutch Finnish, French, German, Irish, Italian, Italian living abroad registered to AIRE, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portoguese, New Zealander, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, South African, Swedish, Swiss, Turkish.
If your nationality does not appear in the list please contact us contact us and we will gather information from your Embassy, regarding paperwork to get married in Italy and the process you need to follow.

If you are interested in a Catholic ceremony be aware that in Italy it will include civil paperwork, having legal effects, it is called "Cerimonia Cattolica Concordataria", otherwise it can be done if you are already legally married and the Civil Certificate of Marriage must be sent with Catholic documents to the Curia where the marriage will take place.
Our team is of course available to help you with catholic documentations as well.
It is very important to know that legal paperwork in Italy have 6 months expire date, so it is not possible to start the process much earlier than 6 months prior the wedding.
The couple (depending in the nationality) will have to be in Italy 2/6 days before the wedding, to finalize paperwork.
Italian Wedding Designer team will take care of documents legalizations and translations, and will
collect your wedding certificate as soon as it is ready, and send it to you.
We highly suggest to foreign couples that want to get married in Italy to rely on experience of professionals to manage these tasks, also given the fact that many Italian town hall employees are not capable to speak english or other foreign languages, and may not have updated paperwork guidelines for every nationality. Italian Wedding Designer is in continuous contact with Embassies and Consulates to keep track of any news or change.